REEL sends rental revenues to City of Kilgore

REEL East Texas Executive Director Chip Hale (in red, with daughter Eden) and REEL Board President Kate Yglesias (center) were excited on Wednesday to present Texan Theater venue rental revenues to City of Kilgore representatives including (from left) Councilman Victor Boyd, Public Works Director Clay Evers, Mayor Ronnie Spradlin, Main Street Manager Taylor Owings, and City Clerk Rachel Rowe.
Our board and team is grateful for the opportunity we’ve had to work with the City of Kilgore, Texas, Kilgore City Council, and Kilgore City Manager Josh Selleck to keep this amazing historic venue thriving with events hosted by locals and visitors. There are a lot of exciting things happening in this awesome community, and we’re proud to play a part.
To learn more about venue rentals in the Texan and the The Old U.S. Post Office of Kilgore, Texas, log on to